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- *if_ole.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- The OLE Interface to Vim *ole-interface*
- 1. Activation |ole-activation|
- 2. Methods |ole-methods|
- 3. The "normal" command |ole-normal|
- 4. Registration |ole-registration|
- 5. MS Visual Studio integration |MSVisualStudio|
- {Vi does not have any of these commands}
- OLE is only available when compiled with the |+ole| feature. See
- src/if_ole.INSTALL.
- An alternative is using the client-server communication |clientserver|.
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Activation *ole-activation*
- Vim acts as an OLE automation server, accessible from any automation client,
- for example, Visual Basic, Python, or Perl. The Vim application "name" (its
- "ProgID", in OLE terminology) is "Vim.Application".
- Hence, in order to start a Vim instance (or connect to an already running
- instance), code similar to the following should be used:
- [Visual Basic] >
- Dim Vim As Object
- Set Vim = CreateObject("Vim.Application")
- [Python] >
- from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch
- vim = Dispatch('Vim.Application')
- [Perl] >
- use Win32::OLE;
- $vim = new Win32::OLE 'Vim.Application';
- Vim does not support acting as a "hidden" OLE server, like some other OLE
- Automation servers. When a client starts up an instance of Vim, that instance
- is immediately visible. Simply closing the OLE connection to the Vim instance
- is not enough to shut down the Vim instance - it is necessary to explicitly
- execute a quit command (for example, :qa!, :wqa).
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Methods *ole-methods*
- Vim exposes four methods for use by clients.
- *ole-sendkeys*
- SendKeys(keys) Execute a series of keys.
- This method takes a single parameter, which is a string of keystrokes. These
- keystrokes are executed exactly as if they had been types in at the keyboard.
- Special keys can be given using their <..> names, as for the right hand side
- of a mapping. Note: Execution of the Ex "normal" command is not supported -
- see below |ole-normal|.
- Examples (Visual Basic syntax) >
- Vim.SendKeys "ihello<Esc>"
- Vim.SendKeys "ma1GV4jy`a"
- These examples assume that Vim starts in Normal mode. To force Normal mode,
- start the key sequence with CTRL-\ CTRL-N as in >
- Vim.SendKeys "<C-\><C-N>ihello<Esc>"
- CTRL-\ CTRL-N returns Vim to Normal mode, when in Insert or Command-line mode.
- Note that this doesn't work halfway a Vim command
- *ole-eval*
- Eval(expr) Evaluate an expression.
- This method takes a single parameter, which is an expression in Vim's normal
- format (see |expression|). It returns a string, which is the result of
- evaluating the expression.
- Examples (Visual Basic syntax) >
- Line20 = Vim.Eval("getline(20)")
- Twelve = Vim.Eval("6 + 6") ' Note this is a STRING
- Font = Vim.Eval("&guifont")
- <
- *ole-setforeground*
- SetForeground() Make the Vim window come to the foreground
- This method takes no arguments. No value is returned.
- Example (Visual Basic syntax) >
- Vim.SetForeground
- <
- *ole-gethwnd*
- GetHwnd() Return the handle of the Vim window.
- This method takes no arguments. It returns the hwnd of the main Vimwindow.
- You can use this if you are writing something which needs to manipulate the
- Vim window, or to track it in the z-order, etc.
- Example (Visual Basic syntax) >
- Vim_Hwnd = Vim.GetHwnd
- <
- ==============================================================================
- 3. The "normal" command *ole-normal*
- Due to the way Vim processes OLE Automation commands, combined with the method
- of implementation of the ex command :normal, it is not possible to execute the
- :normal command via OLE automation. Any attempt to do so will fail, probably
- harmlessly, although possibly in unpredictable ways.
- There is currently no practical way to trap this situation, and users must
- simply be aware of the limitation.
- ==============================================================================
- 4. Registration *ole-registration* *E243*
- Before Vim will act as an OLE server, it must be registered in the system
- registry. In order to do this, Vim should be run with a single parameter of
- "-register".
- *-register* >
- gvim -register
- Once vim is registered, the application path is stored in the registry. Before
- moving, deleting, or upgrading Vim, the registry entries should be removed
- using the "-unregister" switch.
- *-unregister* >
- gvim -unregister
- The OLE mechanism will use the first registered Vim it finds. If a Vim is
- already running, this one will be used. If you want to have (several) Vim
- sessions open that should not react to OLE commands, use the non-OLE version,
- and put it in a different directory. The OLE version should then be put in a
- directory that is not in your normal path, so that typing "gvim" will start
- the non-OLE version.
- *-silent*
- To avoid the message box that pops up to report the result, prepend "-silent":
- >
- gvim -silent -register
- gvim -silent -unregister
- ==============================================================================
- 5. MS Visual Studio integration *MSVisualStudio* *VisVim*
- The OLE version can be used to run Vim as the editor in Microsoft Visual
- Studio. This is called "VisVim". It is included in the archive that contains
- the OLE version. The documentation can be found in the VisVim directory, the
- README.txt file.
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: